Monday, April 29, 2013

Thank you letter

April 29, 2013
Dear Mrs. PD,
I just wanted to write you and properly thank you for last August.  I have never really told you thank you for being so kind to me when I was upset.  When my only son was taken from the courtroom to jail I thought my heart was being ripped out of my chest.  I was confused, upset, and I felt deserted.  But you showed me a kindness that day I will never forget.  You didn't have to talk to me but you did.  You didn't have to comfort me, but you did.  You didn't have to be kind to me but you were.  You didn't have to be understanding and not judgmental but you were.  And I will always be thankful to God for putting you there that day.  I know He put you there that day for me.  He knew how upset I would be and He knew your heart.  Thank you for helping me that day and thank you for helping Client.  I believe he has come a long way since then.  I know God is working in his life and he will become the man God wants him to be.  It is through our mistakes and wrong turns that draw us to God.
God has put you where you are for a reason and I hope you continue to show people God brings to you the kind and loving spirit that you showed me that day.  You might be their only ray of sunshine.  I put off writing this for  long time, because of the craziness of life.  But every time God would lay that memory of you on my heart so I know that this letter is not only from me but it is from God also.  He wants you to know that you ARE making a difference and He is with you and loves you.  I pray you have a good week and God blesses you every day.
Always grateful,
Client's mom
This morning I lay in my bed for 15 minutes after turning the alarm clock off, thinking about how I just can't do this anymore.  I lay there and said over and over again "tell me what to do, tell me what to do, tell me what to do."
After a long, exhausting day in court, I head back to my office with the intention of closing my door and trying not to snap on anyone.  When I first noticed the bouquet of flowers lying across my desk I rolled my eyes and assumed it was from one of my clients who was trying to get fresh.  I opened the accompanying letter, retyped above, and I sat in my office and cried.
It is the most beautiful thank you I have ever received.

Until next time,

Be blessed, be careful, don't confess and don't consent.


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